Middle Rasen Parish Plan Steering Group
December 2013 meeting, cancelled
November 2013 meeting, notes awaited
Chair's Notes of
Parish Plan Steering Group Meeting
14th October 2013
1 Attendance:
Anne Walker
Valerie Wright
Mike O'Connor
Mark Carter
2 Apologies:
Gordon Jennings
Joyce Rhodes
Ray Hildred
3 Minutes of last meeting:
Accepted as accurate record
4 Matters Arising
School Voucher has now been resolved
No take up for advertised post of Note Taker. Further advert to be made.
Discussion re Public Liability. Anne Walker to contact and apply for funding
from Community Fund to cover the cost of approx. £75.
5 Group Membership
Anne Walker agreed to undertake Treasurers duties on temporary basis until
the position is filled.
The group were informed that Gordon Jennings has withdrawn from the position of Secretary but will continue to support the group and attend meetings when available.
Group agreed to leave all vacant positions until group membership increases.
Local Childrens Nursery manager to be approached for possible interest in joining
the steering group.
6 The Plan
It was felt that no progress had been made to the plan and that too much time was being spent on attempting to formalise the group. Agreed that those present should bring copies
of other Parish Plans to the next meeting for members to look at and to start formulating
the Plan for Middle Rasen based on what is already known from questionnaire.
It was suggestedthat the Parish Plan should have its own individual LOGO agreed that
this should be discussed with the village school as a progect for the pupils to designe.
7 Any other business
Agreed that the next meeting should be devoted to looking at other Parish Plans and to start developing The Plan for Middle Rasen.. All other matters to be left to future meetings.
8 Actions
PublicLiability funding AnneWalker
Room hire Anne Walker
Advertise for Note Taker Anne Walker
Copies of other Parish Plans All members
New LOGO for Parish Plan Anne Walker
9 Next Meeting:
Monday 11th November 7p.m.
MINUTES OF (Anne Walker)
Parish Plan Steering Group Held on 14 th October 2013
At Middle Rasen Methodist Church 7 pm
1 Attendance:
Mark Carter
Mike O'Connor (Chair)
Anne Walker
Valerie Wright
2 Apologies:
G Jennings
J Rhodes.
June Clark (by e-mail)
3. Minutes of last meeting:
On line. RESOLVED: To accept the Minutes as an accurate record
4 Matters arising:
No response to the advertisement for the post of Note Taker. AW to follow up and re-advertise.
MO advised that the £20 voucher for the responses to the children's questionnaires has been given to the school.
Public Liability Insurance (PLI) was queried by GJ out of the meeting. AW had investigated various options and reported findings to group. All agreed to purchase cover for Public and Employer Liability, AW to obtain quotes and apply for funding to Middle Rasen Community Fund.
MO asked for confirmation of the need for funding: identified as costs of Events, Publicity, Printing, Publication of Parish Plan + other ad hoc expenses.
5 Group Membership
AW acting Treasurer until a permanent volunteer comes forward.
6 The Plan
All to research existing Parish Plans (small villages), bring to next meeting to discuss and evaluate to help compile the basis of the plan.
7 Any other Business
AW advised that job descriptions are required for the posts of Chairperson Treasurer and Secretary to be in compliance with the Constitution. MO to write job descriptions.
Parish Plan Logo. MC supported the notion a new logo as this is an excellent marketing tool. All agreed school children to design. AW to contact MB
Invitation for new nursery manager to join the group to represent under 5s. AW to contact RL
8 Actions
AW: Re-advertise post of Note Taker
Obtain firm quote for PLI and confirm application for funding Middle Rasen Community Fund
Contact MB re design log
Contact nursery manager RL re joining group
All: Research and print copy of a Parish Plan bring to November meeting
MO: Write job descriptions
9 Date of next meeting
Monday 11 th November 7 pm Middle Rasen Methodist Church
Notes of the Meeting
Parish Plan Steering Group Held on 9th September 2013
At Middle Rasen Methodist Church 7 pm
Apologies: Carol Sellers, Ron Myland
Mark Carter
Ray Hildred
Gordon Jennings
Mike O'Connor
Barry Reaves
Joyce Rhodes
Anne Walker (Chair)
Valerie Wright
June Clark (note taker)
(1) Welcome and Introductions
The meeting was informed that the Chair had resigned at the last meeting and the Deputy Chair; Mrs Walker agreed to chair this meeting.
Members introduced themselves.
Mrs Walker explained the purpose of the Group which was to produce a Plan that identified the needs of the local community and solutions to meet those needs. The Plan covers all age groups from 0 to 90+. This was an opportunity for the village to come together and plan for the future. When developed, copies of the Plan would be handed over to the Parish Council and to WLDC; Mr O'Conner added that the village could proceed with the plan without the approval of the councils, although this would be subject to gaining the necessary funding. The Group is working closely with Community Lincs, who have expertise in supporting the development of Plans. The Plan could be aspirational as well as attainable
(2) Membership
The Chair had resigned at the last meeting and there is currently no Treasurer. Mr Jennings is Secretary and Mrs Walker is Deputy Chair. The question was posed as to whether Mr Jennings and Mrs Walker should resign to allow for a fresh start. Comment was made that the Group is evolving and has done a lot of work, but it has no mandate from the community. There had only been 48 responses to the questionnaire that had been sent to every household in the village. A meeting with Community Lincs in June had confirmed that the Group could still continue. It was necessary to draw a line under what had gone before and move forward. A new constitution had been discussed at the last meeting and it had been agreed to adopt a constitution set out by Community Lincs and open a bank account. There was general discussion on whether the Group should continue as some original people were no longer part of the Group. Comment was made that five people present had been part of the Group from the start. A Bank Account has been opened and the new constitution was to be discussed later. Election of Officers would be discussed under item 6
RESOLVED: Unanimous agreement that the Group would continue and build on previous work
(3) Minutes of the last meeting 13 August 2013
Distributed at the meeting. Members took the opportunity to read through.
Amendment to Minutes to reflect that Mr Jennings had sent his apologies.
RESOLVED: To accept the Minutes as an accurate record, subject to the above amendment.
(4) Matters Arising
A template for a constitution had been received from Community Lincs and Mrs Walker had amended this to reflect this Group. The need for a minimum of three members and a maximum of nine had been agreed at the last meeting.
There was discussion on the constitution with the following comments and amendments:
3i - Mr Jennings queried the wording as to whether it should be the Group's role to deliver the plan, but the Group felt that this referred to the production of the plan and delivering to the Councils rather than actually carrying out the plan. This constitution is the same for all other parish plans.
4B - Agreed to remove the word town'
5iv - There was general agreement that a publicity officer would be very useful, but would not probably be an onerous role. There would be no scope for any publicity in the Community Spirit as that was oversubscribed.
There might be scope to get publicity via the Market Rasen Mail writing an article about the Group.
6A - Delete s' after month
RESOLVED: Subject to the amendments above, the Constitution was unanimously adopted
Mrs Wright confirmed that there was now a Bank Account at Lloyds TSB and they were awaiting the cheque book. Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Walker and Mrs Wright are the current signatories. This means that the Group can now apply for funding for the work of the Group.
Membership had increased and is now currently 8.
Funding is an area which needs work and the Group considered whether to appoint a funding coordinator, hopefully someone who is skilled in applying for funding from various bodies and to local businesses for sponsorship. There was discussion whether this person would lead a small group or whether individual members could suggest funding opportunities, bring to the Group for approval, then apply themselves. There is a need for the Group to decide what projects need funding and cost them. Some spend is known, for example, room hire and note taker, but other costs are currently unknown. It can be a lengthy process and funding cannot be applied for retrospectively. £1000 is available from the Community Chest and it was felt that an application to them might not require more than a broad aim, for example, funding to develop a Community Plan
There was discussion regarding the £20 book voucher that had been offered to the School to thank them for supporting the pupils to complete the questionnaires. It would appear that this voucher had not yet been given to the School and Mr O'Connor agreed to approach the donor to find out whether this was still to be given.
The Parish Council had given funding for note taking and a draft advertisement was circulated. It was proposed to pay £6.31 per hour for a maximum of 3hrs for minute taking, preparing and emailing minutes. The advertisement will go on the website, in Community Spirit and the Post Office window. There was a need for a phone number to be given for applicants who wanted further information and Mr Hildred agreed for his phone number to be used. It was agreed that the closing date would be 4 October. Mrs Walker had information from ACAS regarding appointing to a Short Term contract with regards to induction, holiday pay etc. Mrs Walker agreed to check into whether this would have self-employed status.
RESOLVED: Unanimous agreement to an advertisement being placed for a note-taker
(5) The Plan ideas
Mrs Walker presented her matrix covering all the events that were programmed for Middle Rasen over the coming year.
January:- Duck Race. This is a golden opportunity as all age groups attend.
March:- Call My Line Bluff. This is a targeted audience, adults at the School.
April:- St George's Day. This is an opportunity to stage an event.
May:- The annual FISDAC gala is usually held on May day Monday.
June:- Annual Middle Rasen Charity Gala and dinner. Annual Sweet Pea Show
July:- Horticultural show. Anne Naylor summer fayre. School summer fayre.
August:- Beer festival
September:- MacMillan coffee morning and harvest concerts
October:- this month an opportunity to have an event
November and December As these months hold Christmas events it is probably not appropriate to intrude at these.
There are a lot of already arranged events where the Group could promote its work and get community engagement. The planned events covered all age groups and interests.
Mr Reaves suggested that it would be helpful to have someone in the 16-24yr age group as a member. All agreed that it there was a need for input, but felt that it might prove difficult to get one person in this age group and perhaps younger members could be co-opted onto working groups committee. There are several excellent youth groups in the village that could be approached.
Mr Reeves left the meeting at 20.10, but agreed to continue to be a member.
(6) Election of Officers
Chair - Mr O'Connor was nominated by Mrs Wright and seconded by Mrs Rhodes. Mr O'Connor was elected unanimously.
Treasurer vacant, but it was possible that a member not currently present would agree to be nominated at the next meeting.
Secretary Mr Jennings was already in post and agreed to continue.
Deputy Chair Mrs Walker already in post and agreed to continue.
Funding Coordinator/Officer Mrs Walker was nominated by Mr Jennings and seconded by Mr Carter. Mrs Walker was elected unanimously. This post will need to be added to the constitution
Publicity Officer vacant
Committee Members Mr Carter, Mr Hildred and Mr Reaves would continue as committee members.
There was a need for members to beginning visiting the local groups to promote the Plan.
(7) Any other Business
Mr O'Connor agreed to go through the school children's responses and will present the breakdown at the next meeting.
There was discussion about the original questionnaire as to whether it had been too long and detailed and whether it should be offered again in a simpler format. It might be better to go along to groups and events and just ask one question at a time and note the responses and discussions.
(Mrs Rhodes left the meeting at 20.20).
There was a need to decide what information is wanted. Community Lincs had encouraged the group to look at alternative methods of gathering information and suggested asking one or several questions at a time. There was a suggestion that maybe the Volunteers who delivered the Community Spirit might be prepared to knock on doors and ask a question.
RESOLVED: Unanimous agreement to build on what the Group currently has and move forward.
(8) Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting would be held on Monday 14 October at 19.00 hours.
(9) Close of meeting
Meeting closed at 20.27
Amendments to Constitution Mrs Walker
Book Voucher Mr O'Connor
Advertisement for Note Taker Mrs Walker
Participation at Events and Visits to local groups All
Children's Questionnaires Mr O'Connor
Minutes of meeting at Middle Rasen,
Monday 13 th August 2013, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Apologies: Chris Brunton CB; Mike O'Conner MO
1 Attendance: Gordon L Dixon (Chair) GLD; Mark Carter MC; Joyce Rhodes JR;
Anne Walker AW; Valerie Wright VW
GLD welcomed MC to the meeting, appropriate introductions were made. GLD announced he was currently experiencing health problems and is currently waiting for the results of tests, his position as Chairperson of the group is contingent on a positive outcome. Anything less than this would result in his resignation and that he would keep the group duly informed.
Minutes of the last meeting, 1 st July 2013. (GLD) (note the June meeting was cancelled) Copy circulated, agreed at meeting.
Consideration of the previous meeting
The meeting with Janet Clarke had been very positive, where Janet had confirmed that the Steering Group is in a good position to carry on with the Parish Plan and to build on the successes so far. The following actions are required:
Constitution - template provided by Community Lines
Open a bank account
Increase membership of group to a workable committee (recommendation 7)
Funding - options Community Chest up to £ 1,000, Parish Council, Sponsorship, fundraising activities etc.
4 Future Plans "The Way Forward"AW: A template constitution was sent by Community
Lines, all members have received a copy. The maximum numbers of committee members
was discussed and finally agreed at between no less than 3 and no more than 9 with 25%
as the quorum i.e. 3 Action: AW to draft a Constitution for next meeting
Bank account; choice of banks in Market Rasen: Lloyds TSB, NatWest or HSBC. All agreed Lloyds TSB, 3 to sign JR, AW & VW any 2 to sign. The mandate to be changed when a new treasurer has been appointed. Action: JR, AW & VW
AW: Discussed funding opportunities for: Invoices outstanding for room hire and a note
taker. A written communication had been sent to the Parish Clerk with a completed
application form to follow.
GLD: Has bought a £ 20 book voucher which he will give to the school for the prize winning
5 Appointment of a Treasurer
As there was only 5 people at the meeting all were agreed to wait until the next meeting
when people were back from holiday and more new people were expected.
JR: Advised that she has made contact with someone who is likely to come to the next
6 Consideration of Appointing a Note Taker
The notion of appointing a Note Taker was discussed and agreed at the previous meeting.
VW: Advertise the Note Taker post in the Community Spirit, all thought a good idea.
AW: Suggested advertising as paid post i.e. number of hours and hourly rate, but would be
unable to appoint if funding wasn't available.
GLD : Advised that this would not comply with current legislation as cannot advertise a post
that might not be appointed. Also advised that he would not be associated with the group if
it went ahead with the proposal as it would damage his professional reputation and would
leave him with no alternative other than to resign from the group.
MC; Thought that GLD might have a point, wasn't sure.
AW: Will take advise
GLD: Reiterated what he had already said
Following a discussion about various options MC, JR, AW & VW agreed to advertise as
voluntary post.
GLD: Reiterated what he had already said, again.
VW: Reminded GLD of what had been agreed and in compliance with current legislation.
GLD packed up his papers and informed the group that he was leaving now.
This was understood by everyone from previous statements made by GLD throughout the
meeting that he was resigning from the Middle Rasen Parish Plan Steering group and the
post of Chairperson with immediate effect. His resignation was noted and recorded.
7 Any Other Business
a: All agreed, nominations for new Chairperson at next meeting
b: Due to the resignation of GLD need to apply for funding for £ 20 book voucher for school
c: MC: Does not necessarily want to commit to the group by joining the committee due to
family and business commitments but is interested in involvement in events and activities
emerging from the plan.
8 Date of next meeting
Monday 9 th September 7 pm at Middle Rasen Methodist Church . 7 pm
9 Close of meeting The meeting closed at 9 pm
Michael Conner MC
Joyce Rhodes JR
Tony Robson TR
Anne Walker AW
Valerie Wright VW
Janet Clarke (CAV representative to give a talk on planning)
Gordon Jennings
Gordon Dixon
In the absence of the Chairperson, Anne Walker Chaired the meeting and Valerie Wright offered to take the minutes
Gail Dennis has resigned and Tony Robson said it would be his last meeting
Minutes of the last meeting which had been circulated were approved.
Matters arising
Middle Rasen Charity Gala
Little interest shown in the Village Plan but a lot of interest in the Parish Council
Gala was a success despite competition from other events on the same day.
Lessons learnt for another time
Date for next years Gala 21 st June
People interested in the marquee. Already hired out to School for the fee of £10 fliers to be circulated about the marquee for distribution via the school children.
Official hiring terms are being sorted with a suggested refundable deposit of £100
Open Day planned for 6 th July when villagers can view the marquee
Children's Questionnaire
Who was the winner identified by Michael Stamp? GD has the name and was contacting the school. Analysis of the responses has been started
A £20 book token had been purchased; need to ask GD what has happened to it. Further discussion as to whether the school should receive the token not an individual
Treasurer TR to supply a financial report and is to get an income and expenditure account from the Parish Council as bills had been paid by them Insolvent at the moment owe £21 for room hire, need to ask Council for funding but a formal application needs to be made. £1000 was allocated by West Lindsey but deadline was not met.
MC stated that if the Planning is to continue a Bank a/c and a Constitution need to be organised before funding can be applied for.
MC has analysed adult questionnaire and offered to analyse children's questionnaire
No further matters
Janet Clarke was introduced to give her presentation and advice.
JC had seen the analysis of the questionnaire and it had some good points.
Can apply for funding from the Community chest but firstly
1 Constitution needed
2 Bank account
Two Questions arise
1 Are we clear on our aims
2 How do we move forward in the Community
First must try and involve people
Pick out key questions/highlights and the ideas that people identify with
1 How to promote the Plan and its vision
An explanatory leaflet
Wider involvement with the community via events
Neighbour- hood watch
Business survey
Youngsters (picture of their ideal village)
Middle age group (design a logo)
Older children (a walk-about)
Graffiti wall
2 Prioritise
3 Action Plan
4 Summary of the plan identify key actions
5 Launch, an opportunity to celebrate
1 Develop project plan
2 Look at costing what/why the money is needed up to £1000 grant available
3 West Lindsey will print 6 copies (final copy)
£1000 available for development of plan
£1000 available for implementation of actions
Community Links can
Support planning and events
Provide up to date Parish records
Profile through Census
Quality standard (Kite mark)
West Lindsey protocol
JC was thanked for her illuminating talk and the meeting ended on a very positive note
GD arrived as the meeting concluded
1. Attendance
Gordon L Dixon (Chair) GLD
Tony Robson (Treasurer) TR
Gordon Jennings (Sec) GJ
Gail Dennis (deputy sec) GD
Mike O'Connor MOC
Anne Walker AW
2 Apologies
Joyce Rhodes JR
Valerie Wright VW
3 Minutes of Last Meeting GLD
Circulated printed copy read and agreed
4 Matters Arising
GJ Requests e-copy minutes or publication Agreed GLD
GLD Draw undertaken through Parish Council
School agreed that a child could receive questionnaire gift
Winners of the draw prize declined publicity.
Establish to which child the prize was allocated.
GJ location of the returned questionnaires Children's with GLD and public returns with MOC
5 1 st June Gala
AW reports that an application to the Local Councillors Initiative Fund bought a marquee for use during village events. In respect of this event on 1 st June discussion continued around attendees, materials, representation of the group, timetable and display for use in connection with the Parish Plan. Setting up commences from 8am. Public's day commences at 10am until 4pm.
TR suggest bowl of sweets that will attract visitors to our stand.
GJ, TR not available on 1st
GLD - will be in attendance and circulating through the day, available to support people who wished to complete a questionnaire.
GD, MOC - with Parish Council on day, but flexible and available as required.
AW, JR (and possibly VW ) - fully committed with the Gala Event
General Agreement
There is demand for limited space within the marquee and, having considered various options during the meeting, an appropriately sited small table together with an attractive bowl of sweets would meet the groups need. Badges and a card sign will identify the purpose of the table.
The 50 remaining questionnaires to be available from the table.
The importance of succeeding with the parish or community plan was stressed. A good understanding of why it had not come to fruition already may come with feedback during the event along with additional completed questionnaire.
GLD Additional questionnaires to be copied as demand dictates on the day, to explore options to copy onto A3 rather than A4, and/or seeking additional prints via Systematic.
6 Community Chest Fund
AW Formerly CAV, this is an opportunity for further funding of community projects. It offers up to £500 for a general community project but that increases to £1000 for project which meet the aims of a parish or community plan. Hence, it is important to get the plan.
TR Treasurer identifies bill which require payment £7 last and £7 this meeting.
- original £1000 will be under-spent - provides paper and envelopes for secretary.
TR Outline some future funding options and tells the group that the next meeting will be his last because of a move away.
Next Meeting agreement that Community Lincs are invited to attend, meet with chair 30 mins before the meeting starts and advise the group on next step given current situation and that learned on 1 st June.
8 Actions
GLD send e-copy of agreed minutes to sec for publication
Establish to whom the child prize was allocated.
Prepare to copy additional Questionnaires on A4 or A3 if possible
AW see if Systematic will help with additional questionnaires.
Invite Community Lincs representative to next meeting
GD produce badges which identify group member who can field plan and questionnaire issues.
GJ produce tented sign for table display.
GLD, GD, MOC available on 1 st June to assist public with questionnaires
TR seek funds to, but in any event, provide bowl of sweets
Next Meeting Date . 7.30pm Monday 10 th June 2013 Methodist Church Hall
Gordon L. Dixon (Chairman) Tony Robson (Treasurer) Mike O'Connor Anne Walker
Apologies for Absence
Gordon Jennings (Secretary) Gail Dennis (Deputy Secretary) Joyce Rhodes Valerie Wright
Minutes of the last Meeting
These were accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising from the Minutes which were not included on the Agenda...
Report on the Draw
It was noted that the Draw for the gift to one of the families who had returned their questionnaire before the 31 st January had been won by the Parkinson family who live at 1 Rase Close. Tony accepted responsibility for advising the family and making the arrangements for them to receive their prize.
The Chairman undertook to discuss with the Head-teacher at the Middle Rasen Primary School whether she had any objection to a Prize being given to one of the children who had completed their questionnaires "in school" as this work had been part of their normal school activities.
Mike had read through the questionnaires which had been returned by the adults and he had prepared a synopsis of the matters raised in the questionnaires. The Committee spent 42 minutes considering all the matters raised in these responses.
Jubilee Charity Gala
Anne outlined the arrangements being made to hold a Gala on the anniversary of the Queen's Coronation, and invited this Working Group to participate in the event. It was agreed that the Group would have available a supply of the Questionnaires, and encourage people who had not completed their original questionnaire to complete one at the Gala. An application form was then completed volunteering to take part in the Gala, and it was handed to Anne to pass on to the people who were organising the Gala.
Any other business
There was no other business.
Date of Next Meeting
Two dates set subsequently changed to Monday 13 th May
Gordon L Dixon (Chair) GLD
Tony Robson (Treasurer) TR
Gordon Jennings (Sec) GJ
Gail Dennis (deputy sec) GD
Mike O'Connor MOC
Valerie Wright VW
Trevor Tripp TT
And apologies Anne Walker AW
Minutes of Last Meeting GLD
The circulated copy read and agreed proposed GD second GJ .
Matters Arising
GLD All actions completed
TR Bills to be paid against invoices for submission by 25/2/13
The Questionnaire
GJ reports that of the 800 + questionnaires delivered throughout Middle Rasen to date only 45 have been returned, all being returned by 31 st January and, therefore, eligible for the draw.
GLD reports that he has 49 questionnaires from Y3 Y 6 ( Middle Rasen School ). These were designed by school and broadly based on the official questionnaire. Respondents are all students aged 7-11 years.
General discussion
All reflect serious concern that the return to date is so low given the personal delivery to every home, the publicity before and during the campaign to recognise and make public the community's wishes for the wider village, its environment and social and economic wellbeing.
VW identifies the involvement/response by so few as a reoccurring concern which needs addressing. ?
GLD points to some prominent points in those he has quickly viewed, indicating they may be live matters currently under discussion through the Parish Council or Local Authority.
TR Despite the low return, (lowest by a huge factor of those going out to communities in the county) we must look at what they say in response to the questions raised.
GJ As the numbers stand we would be acting without a mandate. But if that becomes the reality, the Parish Council will at least have some material upon which to reflect.
VW This poor return is a good indicator that there is a lack of cohesion in the village.
GD Never the less we do have people's comments and they cannot be ignored.
TT As a person who filled it in I want the time I spent to be of some value to the Parish Council, even if we cant proceed to a Parish Plan. There may be a need to understand why the questionnaires were not filled in/not submitted. ?
MOC I will analyse the 45 returned so far and report back to this group on 18/03/13
VW - Perhaps we should have spent more time involving the established groups
TR Joyce Rhodes did go round and canvas the various groups/ organisations.
GLD Parish Council meet a week tomorrow, 19 th February. The return of 45 from 800 delivered may require some decision regarding the Parish Plan and further funding.
AW and VW feel that there is a lack of community cohesion and someone needs to speak about the Parish Plan on Sat 1 st June when Middle Rasen has a community day linked to the anniversary of the Coronation - . ?
General Agreement
The Draw for the questionnaires is specifically limited to the groups published questionnaire.
An appropriate gift card should be purchased as a draw prize for those children submitting the schools questionnaire. Proposed TR second GD carried.
TR Treasurer gives a balance of funds in hand as £279
TR - Requests a copy of the printers bill and school bill
Constitution general agreement that it is left on-hold at this juncture.
Actions ? = no member identified
Summary of identified actions
GLD to Analyse and report back on the Children's questionnaire
MOC to review and report back on the returned published questionnaires.
GD to update the Parish Council re progress or otherwise with the Parish Plan.
MOC to present the 45 questionnaires for the draw on 19/02
TR purchase £20 book token as a draw prize for the children's questionnaire.
GLD forward copy of printers bill and school bill to Treasurer.
Next Meeting Date . 7pm Monday 18 th March 2013 Methodist Church Hall
Gordon L Dixon (Chair) GLD
Tony Robson (Treasurer) TR
Gordon Jennings (Sec) GJ
Gail Dennis (deputy sec) GD
Mike O'Connor MOC
Alan Pennell AP
And apologies
Anne Walker AW
Valerie Wright VW via AW
Joyce Rhodes JR via AW
Minutes of Last Meeting GLD
The circulated copy read and agreed proposed GD second GJ.
Matters Arising
GLD proposed moving this to AOB so that the main subject [questionnaire] could be addressed as a priority
Next Stage The Questionnaire
General discussion
Consider size design Tri-fold on A3 paper.
Colour or otherwise B&W
Numbers for delivery - 800
Delivery with January's Community Spirit between Xmas and New Year.
Cost of delivery Against Invoice and paid to C Spirit
Return collection points Crossroads Stores and No 1 Primrose Close, off Fern Drive .
Additional copies 200, some held at each collection point.
Return date and reward 31 st January draw qualified Q's for gift to the value of £40
Debate and refine questions further
AOB ~ Matters arising
Constitution - Agenda item next meeting.
Demographics - MOC new published data will be available at the end of 2012.
Pop 2010 = 1705 in 765 properties.
Letter from Market Rasen - GLD read a letter from the Town Council asking for a meeting to discuss direction of our Parish Plan and their Town Plan. In essence, until the group has a clear mandate (after questionnaire) it cannot outline what the community / parish hopes to achieve or where we are going.
TR Arrange for payment to CS (sum around £100) against delivery and receipted invoice.
GLD speak to school re issue and feedback from an own questionnaire
GD - speak to Anne confirming publicity in December issue
GLD write an explanation or reason for the questionnaire as per
previous meeting.
GLD to finalise Systematic Print quote - and invoice
GD and GJ to provide final version from agreed changes to a draft style for print
GD & GJ to pass to Robert Clark (Systematic) for invoice to Parish Council
GLD respond to Market Rasen letter (AOB)
MOC Update the group on population statistics after imminent publication.
AW Book venue please
Meeting Dates . all Methodist Church Hall @ 7pm
Monday 14 th January 2013,
Monday 11 February 2013 to examine questionnaires and draw one returned pre 1.2.13
Monday 18 th March 2013
Anne Walker (GLD requested Vice Chair) AW
Tony Robson (Treasurer) TR
Gordon Jennings (Sec - nom & elected) GJ
Gail Dennis (deputy sec) GD
Valerie Wright VW
Joyce Rhodes JR
Jean Pettifor JP
Pat Golby PG
Nigel Appleyard NA
Colin Hare CH
Gordon L Dixon (Chair) GLD
Minutes of Last Meeting AW
The circulated copy read and agreed proposed GD second JR.
Matters Arising
AW - no report received from MO (Mike O'Connor). AW to pick up action (if required)
GD - reports the short history on Web is reliable source (written by Helen Pitman) and will be used as the base for that action.
TR found paper from DeAston (authors name Zealand ) including good article by Teddy Sharpe.
NA Offers access to historic documents/deeds held by Nags Head Public House.
Description of Parish Groups (services, facilities & amenities)
JR 10 replies to date
TA request as documents are received/complete, they are fed through to him.
Other Parish Plans to be viewed online.
GD Middle Rasen plan must be available in print.
GJ Need to balance need for hard copy when document can be copied from online publication
TR Few people can access on line so the majority of people will want a printed copy.
Next Stage
Time Lines
AW - pointed out that we need to progress with each element of the plan
TA Need to look at other published plans and visit the questionnaires
General Discussion consider numbers involved in questionnaire.
AW suggests 2 people be responsible for questionnaire and analysis or a small group of volunteers rather than everyone in separate workshops.
Questionnaire Group AW , GJ, GD, TR
Action - produce document for consideration by 12 th November.
CH Mr Colin Hare was invited by JR to speak to the group about the history of the Methodists in Middle Rasen. He shared details of significant events and developments in the village from 1796 to the present day . Thank you.
AW Observed that some people don't recognise themselves as part of a village. Therefore, the village needs a theme to bring people together with a sense of belonging.
GD - to ask Parish Council to adopt/create a theme in the village promoting a sense of belonging
AW the first meeting identified problems within Middle Rasen which need to be reflected in the plan. Some of the same issues re dogs have been reported to AW. Group considered actions and response.
GD - to pass on concerns raised to Parish Council.
GJ request a vice chair election.
TR proposed AW
VW - seconded
AW elected.
Financial report.
Email from Parish Council considered.
Unclear what dates affect available financial resource for the plan
TR to speak to Jo Trotter for clarity.
Discussion around options for questionnaire / plan for finalisation at next meeting
AW may need to have a questionnaire launch event rather than posting through doors
GJ PO may act as questionnaire collection point GJ speak to Andy and Erica
AW- can publish on internet as well as pre inform via Community Spirit Magazine
TR Other groups offered plan at public meeting
TR We could look for sponsorship for the Plan
GD need to keep groups informed since they are actively involved across community
TR consider a draw on the questionnaire.
GD - check out licenses (if needed for draw) with Parish Council
Actions - summary
AW Demographics progress via MO or revisit action.
GLD to get form of constitution for the group from Fi Lowe
GD History , continue
NA Documents held at Nags Head, available to group by arrangement.
GD Forward identified issues to Parish Council
JR - Description of Parish, continue
TR Collate completed information.
TR speak to Jo Trotter re finance
GJ - speak to PO re questionnaire collection point
Questionnaire Group produce a document for review at next meeting
AW Book venue
Date Next Meeting
Monday 12 th November 2012, Methodist Church Hall @ 7pm
Gordon L Dixon (Chair nom & elected) GLD
Tony Robson (Treasurer) TR
Gordon Jennings (Sec - nom & elected) GJ
Anne Walker AW
Gail Dennis (deputy sec) GD
Roy Kitchen RK
Valerie Wright VW
Joyce Rhodes JR
Apologies - Mike O'Connor MO
The aim of the group is to provide a Parish Plan for Middle Rasen.
A Parish Plan is a plan by the community which sets out the wishes and aspirations of the local population for the area. Therefore, it requires that the views of the whole community are sought and identified in the document.
A Parish Plan does not have the same strategic importance as a Neighbourhood Plan, as proposed by the group in Market Rasen. That plan, if adopted, will influence the development by the District Council and others in a specific (designated) area. To date there has been no move by the Middle Rasen community to join with the Market Rasen group in producing a Neighbourhood Plan to include Middle Rasen.
The Parish Council have agreed to support the making of a Parish or Community Plan for Middle Rasen with funds of up to £1000.
Presented by AW Agreed
SOS roadshow: AW attended the all day seminar. Anne reports that we will be out of time for Big Lottery funding and the Awards for All would be the best route for funding by the group when needed.
Anne described the mix of groups/workshops. Her focus being the pros and cons in making a community plan, the ways of involving people / groups, using questionnaires and increasing membership.
Conclusion - Progress toward a Parish Plan by the Middle Rasen group was on track.
Demographics: Awaits feedback by MO
Oil (Bulk Buy): Details published in Community Spirit
Community Spirit: Now covers all areas of Middle Rasen, TR delivers to areas East of Market Rasen.
Template for plan: Other Parish and Community Plans were explored by TR who presented a report (appendix below) which recommended viewing a number of plans on-line and particularly the plan for Sudbrooke. GLD ( Chair) thanks TR for the comprehensive report which offers a steer and will create actions for the group.
Actions arising
All visit internet sites for identified villages and consider parish and community plans.
GD - lead revision of documents on historic context of the parish.
JR - leads on obtaining a detailed description of the parish
All commence work on questionnaire after summer - plan a distribution in the New Year.
Community Spirit - please consider how to publicise the distribution and collection of questionnaires from all sections of the Middle Rasen community.
TR - to coordinate the plan (final document) as it grows
Fi Lowe GLD will contact before next meeting
Financial report. - TR
Public Meeting costs paid by P.C.
Hall Hire - £14. TR will forward invoice to Clerk to P.C. for payment.
Mk Rasen Neighbourhood Plan
If requested, AW will forward info on Mk Rasen Neighbourhood Plan
Carol Skye unable to make 7pm meeting but offers assistance to group.
GJ - Will present notes for the meeting and send out 10 th July for consideration by GLD (Chair). Need to publish notes on village website by Friday.
Notes in e-copy may then be adopted as minutes at next meeting
TR- forward copy of template info for inclusion in minutes.
Monday 10 th September 2012, Methodist Church Hall (to be booked)
Middle Rasen Community Led Plan
Typical plan Layout:
Why a plan.
Initial meetings.
Steering Committee.
Methodology i.e. Questionnaire, Meeting with local groups, etc, preparation of a draft plan, public consultation and the final plan.
2. The parish:
a) Historical context of the parish.
b) A detailed description of the parish i.e. Location, population, housing, schools, churches, local facilities, groups/clubs/societies, employment, retail, leisure, conservation, footpaths, Parish council, map of the Parish and photographs.
3. Results of the questionnaire and input from other parties:
Issues placed in main categories such as: Housing, employment, education, environment, transport, roads & highways, policing & personal safety, entertainment & social, information & communication, role of the Parish Council, planning issues, young persons perspective.
4. The Action Plan.
This is usually in the form of a table with headings such as:
Issue Action Partners - Timescale - Funding/resources
5. Conclusions.
This would include acknowledgements for an assistance supplied, a summary of the main issues and proposals for monitoring the action plan with details of any action committees set up.
6. Appendices.
Possibly a full analysis of questionnaire results/ young persons' input etc.
Details of plans submitted in the County can be found at www.communitylincs.com/community-led-planning . Brant Broughton and Caythorpe plans are worth looking at as comprehensive plans. The plan for Colsterworth is quite pithy and doesn't waste words. The plan for Sudbrooke shows how you don't need to spend a lot of money on a glossy plan as most parishes seem to do.