Welcome to the Rase WI in Middle Rasen
The Rase WI welcomes its members from the wider Market Rasen and Middle Rasen area. Meetings are held at the Middle Rasen Village Hall, LN8 3LD on 3rdTuesday of the month.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A dreaded virus affected the proposed speaker for Rase WI so alternative arrangements had to be made. However, the night was saved when a volunteer (also a WI member) from the Middle Rasen Community Garden, came and gave an insight into how the garden started and how it is progressing. It was a very interesting question and answer evening, and a lot of knowledge was gained. The talk also brought people's attention to its existence and hopefully will inspire some more local volunteers. Thank you, Amanda, for stepping in at the last minute.
Hopefully our proposed speaker Ruth, who was unable to come, will visit next year and talk about Pantomime Dames.
Rase WI would like to wish everyone a Very Happy a Healthy 2025, and ladies do come along to a meeting and see what goes on. You will be made very welcome!
Strawberries and cream was the theme for the June WI meeting. Members enjoyed some wonderful strawberry and cream confections while chatting with their friends A lovely, relaxed way of spending a summer's evening and the sun was actually shining!
On Wednesday 10 th July, the WI held a coffee morning at the Village Hall where again there was an abundance of delicious cakes for everyone to enjoy. A very successful raffle was held and the morning proved to be another great time for catching up with friends.
Members were greeted at Thorne's Beehives by Gill, granddaughter of the founder of the thriving business who proceeded to give a potted history of the development of the company and its relocation to the present site at Rand. Her informative introduction to “Bees” led onto the topic of beehives and their construction; After which Paul gave us a very comprehensive tour of the site - we had no idea that so much was involved in the production of beehives This very fascinating insight into bees and beekeeping concluded with delicious cakes and tea served in the Buzz Stop restaurant, where many of us plan a return visit. A brief visit to the shop and we departed for home buzzing (excuse the pun)!.
The Rock Foundation was Rase WI's chosen charity to support last year, so it was lovely to welcome Pam to the August meeting. Pam started the charity to help young people with special needs become more independent and included in society by gaining life skills. Most of us know of the tearoom “The Rock” in Caistor where some of young people work, but we were not aware of the very successful food bank that is operational in Grimsby where some 800 people are helped each week. Pam is an inspirational lady who impressed us all. A thought provoking and informative evening was appreciated by everyone.
The May meeting of Rase W.I. saw us welcoming author Veronica Podbury who
gave us a potted history of herself before introducing her latest novel 'The Vigil'. She proceeded to read passages from the book and then showed how she developed the characters and the plots. Veronica then explained how she made charts to keep tabs on the characters and talked of how the narrative was created.
A relaxed question and answer session followed and members who at the start thought the evening was not really for them went home happy, inspired, entertained and talking of an easy to listen to speaker. Thank-you Veronica.
Rase WI would like to welcome everyone to their coffee morning on Wednesday 10 th July, 10.30-12.00 noon at Middle Rasen Village Hall to enjoy coffee and home-made cakes and scones.
WI members and the Federation Chairman were welcomed to the Annual meeting by the President Anne.
The business meeting followed, where the secretary, treasurer and President gave their reports of the past year. These were accepted unanimously by the members. New committee members and a new President were elected.
The retiring President Anne was thanked for her enthusiasm and hard work over the past three years and was presented with a lovely peony plant in recognition of this. The mood then lightened as a panel game based on the TV show “Would I Lie to You” organised by the retiring President, was played. Four members formed the panel and there was much fun and hilarity as the game progressed. A very entertaining and original interpretation of the TV show.
Refreshments followed and everyone spent this time chatting and catching up with friends and so ended a very enjoyable afternoon.
The next meeting on the evening of the 24th April is an open meeting when Linda Clark of the “Spotted Dog Flower Co” will be speaking and demonstrating. All will be very welcome!