Rase Women's Institute



Welcome to the Rase WI in Middle Rasen

The Rase WI welcomes its members from the wider Market Rasen and Middle Rasen area. Meetings are held at the Middle Rasen Village Hall, LN8 3LD on 3rdTuesday of the month.

The RASE WI's new President, Mrs Yvonne Rowe, welcomed members and friends to the March meeting of Rase WI. Yvonne ran through the members of the new committee who had been elected at the Annual Meeting. She also welcomed Amanda O-Conner who was co-opted onto the committee.

In a change to the advertised speaker, Mrs Gail Dennis was introduced. Gail gave a very detailed and informative talk about the Broadbent Theatre in Wickenby. She explained how the Theatre came to be, showing us various photographs. The theatre was started by conscientious objectors at Holton-cum-Beckering, who were working on the land during WWll. In1970, a Methodist Chapel at Wickenby was purchased by Holton Players and was converted with resources provided by Roy Broadbent (father of actor Jim Broadbent) and Douglas Ballard. Thus, the theatre got its name and has continued to go from strength to strength.

After the talk, refreshments were served and Val drew the raffle.

Our May meeting on 22nd will host author Veronica Podbury.
Rosie Dawson (secretary). April 24



WI members and the Federation Chairman were welcomed to the Annual meeting by the President Anne.

The business meeting followed, where the secretary, treasurer and President gave their reports of the past year. These were accepted unanimously by the members. New committee members and a new President were elected.

The retiring President Anne was thanked for her enthusiasm and hard work over the past three years and was presented with a lovely peony plant in recognition of this. The mood then lightened as a panel game based on the TV show “Would I Lie to You” organised by the retiring President, was played. Four members formed the panel and there was much fun and hilarity as the game progressed. A very entertaining and original interpretation of the TV show.

Refreshments followed and everyone spent this time chatting and catching up with friends and so ended a very enjoyable afternoon.

The next meeting on the evening of the 24th April is an open meeting when Linda Clark of the “Spotted Dog Flower Co” will be speaking and demonstrating. All will be very welcome!



For some January and the start of a new year can be quite daunting after the run up to Christmas and enjoying the festivities with friends and families.

The January meeting was held on a cold, very dreary day with very little daylight. The demonstrator was Chris, a member of the group, who brought shining and twinkling, beautiful stones of varying colours, which were displayed on a table brightening the hall. Following precise instructions from Chris, the ladies started making their Sun Catchers amidst lots of laughter. Some of the stones were tiny making it difficult for some members with poorer eyesight. It was lovely to see everyone helping each other where needed. Several ladies had joined us with a view to joining the group, they were able to chat with the members enjoying the evening. In essence this is what WIs do! We welcome new members, interesting speakers, social activities, plenty of coach trips and inhouse demonstrations, quizzes and much more.

The March meeting is on 27 th March, “Messing about on the River” in the village hall, not on the river! There will be a new committee, voted for at the Annual Meeting. I have stepped down as President and from the committee as it is now my time to pass on the baton. I am sure that the next president will be an excellent one (as long as Donald Txxxp doesn't run for president of Rase WI!)
Best wishes to all,

Anne Crawforth. (Rase WI)



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Middle Rasen




Tel: 01673

844692 or 843661

The WI movement is the largest voluntary women's organization in the UK and it exists to educate women so that they are enabled to play an effective role in their communities, as well as expanding their personal horizons and developing important skills which they can pass on. If you would like to consider becoming a member visit Middle Rasen - Rase WI or a WI where you are on a meeting night, members will be pleased to assist

For further details contact 844692 or 843661



Mon - Wed

9 am - 12 noon





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