Services for the next month-
5th May 10.30am Holy Communion - Middle Rasen
5th May 10.30am Family Service - Faldingworth
5th May 3pm Rogation Service - West Rasen
Thurs 9th May 7pm Ascension Day Holy Communion -Sixhills
12th May 10.30am Joint Christian Aid Service -Chapel
12th May 11am Holy Communion - Tealby
19th May 10.30am Holy Communion - Middle Rasen
Mon 20th May 6pm Pet Service -Middle Rasen (All welcome)
26th May 9am Holy Communion - Friesthorpe
26th May 10.30am Morning Prayer -Middle Rasen
26th May 11am Holy Communion - Tealby
Pew News
Welcome to this
edition of Pew News
Refreshments are
served in the Church
Hall after the Service.
Please do come and
join us.
Please pray for the
residents of Gallamore
Lane - Gallamore Court
- Woodhill - The
Orchards - Jacksons
Fields and Mill Lane
Middle Rasen Group
of Parishes
Parish Officer -David
Riley 07775 645035
Safeguarding Team:-.
You can contact the
team directly during
working hours TO
CONCERN, or for
guidance and
Phone: 01522 504070
email: safeguarding@
Open Churches Weekend
11th & 12th May
We will be open both days serving refreshments and cakes 10-4 and
ploughman's lunches 12noon - 2pm
Please could we ask for donations of home-made cakes and helpers to
help set up and man the church on both days. Thank you to all who
have oered their services so far!
Open Churches Weekend
We would like some displays too - the theme this year
is sport.
There is a list at the back of the church if you would
like to add your name to it. Thank you
Food Bank
If you would like to make a donation there is a basket at the back of
the church. Thank you
Lord God help us to live out our calling from you,
to make the love of Jesus known to everyone,
by our words and lives,
being led by the Holy Spirit through prayer to show your love
and compassion to everyone
Church Giving at St Peter & St Paul's Middle Rasen
If you would like to give to the church through bank transfer the
details are HSBC Bank, a/c no: 00586528,
sort code: 40 32 05
A/c name: Middle Rasen PCC
There is also a booklet at the back of the church with more
information about the Parish Giving Scheme which includes a form to
be completed if you prefer to arrange your giving this way.
Electoral Role
If you would like to join the
Church Electoral Roll there are
forms at the back of the Church
to complete.