1. Name

A. The group's name is Middle Rasen Parish Plan Steering group; hereafter referred to as the steering group.

2. Purpose

A. The purpose of the steering group is to oversee and coordinate the production of a Parish Plan for Middle Rasen; working with members of the community, working groups, the parish council and local authorities to achieve this aim.

3. Carrying out the purpose

A. In order to carry out the purpose, the steering group will have the power to:

i. develop a strategy, budget and programme for delivering the Parish Plan

ii. coordinate community consultation activities

iii. use evidence from the consultation to prioritise and plan future actions that will benefit the community

iv. oversee the drafting and the finalising of the Parish Plan

v. work with partners identified in the action plan to:

a. coordinate the implementation of actions specified in the Parish Plan

b. take responsibility for monitoring and reviewing progress

4. Membership

A. The steering group will include between 3 and 9 members from the community to be elected by attendees at the first public meeting or co-opted thereafter.

B. No more than 3 members will have a formal connection to the parish/town council.

5. Responsible persons

A. At the first meeting, the steering group will elect the following persons whose responsibilities will be defined in writing:

i. Chairperson

ii. Secretary

iii. Treasurer

iv. Publicity Officer

v. Fundraising Officer

6. Meetings

A. The steering group shall meet every month as a minimum.

B. Members may act by majority decision. At least 3 members must be present at the meeting to be able to take decisions.

C. Minutes shall be kept for every meeting.

D. If members have a conflict of interest they must declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided.

E. Members may make additional rules to help run the steering group. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law.

7. Finance*

A. Money and property must only be used for the purpose of the steering group's purposes.

B. Members must keep accounts. Accounts can be seen by anybody on request.

C. Members cannot receive any money or property from the steering group, except to refund reasonable out of pocket expenses.

D. Money must be held in the steering group's bank account. All cheques must be signed by 2 members.

8. Appointment of working groups

A. The steering group may appoint working groups to undertake any activities that contribute to its purpose.

B. Working groups will be bound by the terms of reference set out to them by the steering group.

C. Working groups do not have the power to authorise expenditure on behalf of the steering group.

9. General

A. Changes to the constitution – can be made at meetings as specified in section 6 of this constitution.

B. Winding up – any property or money remaining after payment of debts must be given to a registered charity.

10. Setting up the steering group

This constitution was adopted on Monday 9 th September 2013 by the people whose signatures appear below


Signed : Print name