  Middle Rasen Community Diary


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A Community Diary Middle Rasen Area 2023/4

Middle Rasen and area including the Tofts, Barkwith, Hainton, Sixhills, Torringtons & South Willingham

Click here to view regular fixtures for the Year

Mk Rasen Library

In Middle


Thursday 4th December at 1.30pm join the Middle Rasen Carry On Singing Group in the Church Hall

Saturday 6th December a Christmas "social" evening in the Middle Rasen Church Hall. We aim to sing, eat and enjoy a convivial time. If you wish to contribute actively or have any suggestions, please contact Malcolm Pentelow who will be co-ordinating the evening and will be delighted to hear from you! Call Malcom on 07922112387 or 01673 849414 for more information.

Sunday 7 th December at 7.00pm - Caistor and District Male Voice Choir Concert, Buffet Supper, No tickets needed, but Donations will be appreciated.

Sunday 14th December, 10 – 11.30am - Christmas Coffee Morning with a Raffle & Bring and Buy. Biscuits & Mince pies.  All Proceeds for Action for Children

Thursday 18th December at 1.30pm join the Middle Rasen Carry On Singing Group in the Church Hall

Wednesday 24 th December at 5.30pm, St Peter & St Paul's Church, Middle Rasen will be holding its annual short Children's service



BROADBENT THEATRE..... box office 0300 400 0101 or via the website and/or email

Regular Fixtures

Monday Mornings at 9.30am Pilates in Middle Rasen Church Hall on Church Street,

Wednesday Evenings from 7pm Line Dancing in Middle Rasen Church Hall, 7 – 8.30pm ~ Term Time

2nd & 4th Friday Cameo Craft meets 7-9pm in the Middle Rasen Chuch Hall

Guides .... Middle Rasen Village Hall .... every Monday ........Contact: Linda White 0776591525 or Sharon White 07534112324 or by email

Brownies .... Middle Rasen Village Hall ..... every Monday..... Contact: Tricia Neale 849412.

Ranger Guides .... Middle Rasen Village Hall .... fortnightly on Mondays .......Contact: Jeannette Reilly 07961 970579.

Parish Council ...... Middle Rasen Church Hall.... 2nd Tuesday @ 7.30 pm (Public Forum 7.20 pm for 10 mins) tel 07960 411602 email

Middle Rasen Toddlers meets every Friday in term time in Middle Rasen Church Hall from 9.30am

Short Mat Bowling – Mondays 1.30 – 4.30pm and Thursdays 7 – 9.30pm, Middle Rasen Village Hall. All Welcome!

Himalayan Yoga meets every Wednesday in Middle Rasen Village Hall at 10.30am (no current info PLEASE CHECK)

Middle Rasen Book Club ..... Ist Monday of the month at the Advocate Arms .... please look here and/or contact .......Lesley Brewis


LOCAL HISTORY ~ with Caroline Foster



Meet your Councillors – Friday 13 th December & Friday 27 th December 10 – 12 noon

Connect Over a Cuppa - Every Tuesday 11am – 12 noon.  

Early Talkers - Every Wednesday 1pm – 1.45pm .

Children's Art Club - Every Tuesday 3.30pm - 4.30pm .

Reading Through Play - Every Wednesday during term time 3.30pm - 4.15pm. 7–11-year-olds. (Booking essential as places are limited)
Adult Craft Club - Every Wednesday 10am – 12 noon.

Digital Champion - Each Wednesday and Friday 2.30 - 4.30pm.

PC Drop In's , - Wednesday 11 th December, 11am – 12 noon . Meet PC Rachel Turner at the Library.

Story time - Every Friday 11 – 11.30am – Pre-school Story-time

Lego Stories Club - Every Wednesday and Friday 3.30 – 4.30pm. Free to join! Ages 5+

National Databank Surgery - Every Friday 1pm – 3pm .

Saturday Craft Hub at the Children's Library - Every Saturday 10.00 - 12.30pm.

Adult Craft Club - Every Saturday 10.00am – 12.00 noon 
Relax, socialise and share your story through the things you make. Bring a craft project to get along with while enjoying a complimentary tea or coffee in a warm and welcoming environment.

Early Talkers, Saturday session - Saturday 7 th December, 11.00.am - 11.45am Run by the Early Years Alliance, support your child to become a confident communicator through songs, rhymes, exploring and sharing books. Ask a member of staff for details.

Lego Challenge Club for Adults – Friday 27 th December, 1.30 - 2.30pm. Light refreshments served.

Photography Club - Friday 6 th December 1.30 – 3pm. Printing available.

Four weeks of Festive Fun Continues for adults . - Tues 3 rd , 10 th and 17 th December - 1.30pm - 2.30pm - An inspiring and fun series of adult craft workshops with a festive theme. All resources provided. Booking essential.

Tues 3 rd Dec. 1.30pm-2.30pm - Christmas Wreath Making, Tues 10 th Dec. 1.30pm - 2.30pm, Christmas Tree Felt Craft, Tues 17 th December 1.30pm - 2.30pm. A Host of Angels

Citizen's Advice, Lincoln and Lindsey - Tues 3rd Dec, 11am – 12 noon

Giving people the knowledge and information needed to find a way forward.

The Characters from the Broadbent Theatre panto ‘The Snow Queen' will be visiting the library in full costume on Sat 7th Dec. 11am – 12 noon. Have your cameras at the ready!

For more information about any of our events and activities please speak to a member of staff, call 01522 782010 or email market_rasen.library@gll.org




Faldingworth WI – 2 nd Tuesday of each month (12 th October) at Newtoft Village Hall, 7.15pm

Faldingworth Coffee Mornings ...Coffee mornings take place at Faldingworth village hall every Wednesday from 10am – 11.30am in aid of All Saints Church, Faldingworth. We always follow Covid-19 protocol. Wilf Moxon

Newtoft .... Bingo is back – hooray! The bar opening hours are: Saturdays from 8pm – midnight (except on bingo nights when it will open at 6pm!) Sundays from 1pm until 5/6pm! Everyone is welcome!

Pilates – Thursday's at Newtoft Village Hall, 7 – 8pm

South Willingham Dance Group – Every 2 nd Wednesday (6 th & 20 th October) - South Willingham Village Hall, 7pm

Wragby Ladies Luncheon Club We are in the process of setting up a ladies luncheon club at the Adam and Eve Country Pub, Wragby. We will then meet every 3 rd Thursday of the month from September to April inclusive. Do come and join us to make new, like minded friends over a delicious lunch followed by an interesting speaker on various topics. Costs will include an annual subscription of £25.00 to cover speakers and administration, plus the cost of the luncheon each month. Numbers are limited. For more information and an application form, please contact Janet Edwards – tel: 01673 857006, email janetedwards645@gmail.com or Doreen Fidler – tel: 01673 858166

Check before attending those listed below

•  Age UK Lindsey – 1 st Monday of each month, Free drop in sessions offering advice to the over 50's, Market Rasen Surgery, 10am – 1pm

•  Community Art Classes – Tuesdays, Nice & Naughty Café, 3pm

•  Chat and Cardmaking – Tuesdays, Nice & Naughty café, Market Rasen, 10.30am

Toft and Faldingworth

•  Toft Newton Craft Night – Tuesday 3 rd December & Tuesday 17 th December, 7.00pm – 9.00pm. Contact Vanessa on 07772636024

•  Walking Football –Tuesdays, Newtoft Community Centre, 7.30-8.30pm, 16yrs plus

•  Toft Tots – Thursdays, Toft Newton Community Centre, 9.30 – 11.30, Term Time only

•  Children's Football – Fridays, 6-7pm, Newtoft Community Centre, Trainers / Footie Boots needed, Outside Play!

•  Faldingworth Indoor Bowls – Thursdays, Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 2 – 4pm

•  Faldingworth Coffee & Chat – Wednesdays, Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 10 – 11.30am

•  Informal Short Tennis – Wednesdays, Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 6 - 7pm

Sth Willingham 

•  Art Group – Tuesday 3rd December, South Willingham Parish Hall, 1.30pm

•  Coffee Morning – Wednesdays 4 th & 18 th December, South Willingham Parish Hall, 10.30am

•  Dance Group – 2 nd & 4 th Wednesdays 7pm, South Willingham Parish Hall, 4 th & 18 th December


Groups listed below may require better or updated information.

Middle Rasen

Local History Group (U3A) Tuesday 9.30am to 12noon Middle Church Hall Takes a short break in summer.

Women's Own every Wednesday afternoon 2.30 pm at Middle Methodist Church , all welcome, Contact: Alice Surfleet 843256 for more information

Games Afternoon - TBA 4th Wednesday (Autumn and Winter) 1.30 - 3.30 pm at Middle Rasen Church Hall. Ring Elaine 844222 for more information. .

The Guild every Wednesday evening October to March, from 7.30 pm at Middle Rasen Methodist Church. Contact Ann Naylor 844645

Camera Club 2nd Wednesday 7.30 pm at Village Hall, new members welcome Contact: Ray Halstead 842142 for more information..

Tai Chi every Wednesday 10.30 am Village Hall.

Outdoor bowls starts April - September.....Enquiries and entries to Ann Veal 01673 842581 orwgveal@globalnet.co.uk and Rich Wright 01673 88545 or richmondwright@msn.com

Middle Rasen Nursery Monday - Friday 7,30 am to 5 pm. For more information Contact: Sam Bryan 844111.

Coffee, Cake and Chat meet again in January at Middle Rasen Methodist Chapel, 10am

Camera Club meets once a month on 2nd Wednesday @ 2.30 pm in the Middle Rasen Village Hall

Middle Rasen Coffee, Cake & Chat – 1st and 3rd Thursday , 10am, Middle Rasen Methodist School Room


FALDINGWORTH and elsewhere

Table Tennis – Fridays, Faldingworth Memorial Hall, 7.30 – 9.30pm

Faldingworth W I meet 2nd Tuesday (changing to 2nd Tuesday from May onwards) at Faldingworth Memorial Hall, Contact: Christine Waite 885249 for more information.

Friendship Club meet 3rd Wednesday 2 - 4 pm at Memorial Hall, all welcome, Contact: Sylvia Hall 885776 for more information.

Coffee morning & Post Office every Wednesday at Memorial Hall 10-11.30.

Indoor Bowls Club every Thursday at the Memorial Hall 2 pm to 4pm £ 1.50 Contact: Laurie 885563 for more information

Bee Crafty craft group 2nd & 4th Thursday 7 pm to 9 pm Memorial Hall all welcome, adults £ 2 children £ 1.

Book Club meets monthly, for more information ring Ann 880188.


Christian Discussion nights Monday evenings from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm at Newtoft Clubhouse.

Toft Tots meet every Thursday at Toft Newton Community Centre from 9.15 – 11am

Parent, Toddler & Baby group meet 1st and 3rd Monday each month 10 am to 11.30 am Welton Children's Centre.

Parish Council meets alternate months, on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, meeting in May, July and September at Newtoft Clubhouse 6 pm.

Terriers Football Training Tuesday evenings see website for more information.

Guitar Sessions some Tuesday evenings 8 pm in Newtoft Clubhouse. Contact: Doug Orr for more information. 885573.

Youth Club on every alternate Wednesdays for more information contact Kirsty Rand 885531.

Family Bingo once a month (food prizes) contact Bridget Carpenter 885733.


West Rasen Heritage Centre & Village Hall group meets 1st Tuesday 7.30 pm, general enquiries Liz Margrave on 844047.

Coffee Morning 1st Saturday at the Heritage Centre from 10 am to 12 noon .


Pre School at Donington on Bain Village Hall every weekday morning during school terms from 9.30am to noon with option of staying for lunch. For more information contact Sarah Jane on 07816954135.


Book Club meets every 4 weeks, Tuesday evening Cross Roads Inn 7.30 pm. Cost £ 2 For more information contact Blue on 0781 0511012.

Parish Council meets on 3rd Thursday at 8pm.

East Barkwith Wl meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Barkwith and District Gardeners Takes a summer break from May to August meetings start on 4th Friday in September. An all day Spring Show 11th April 2015 and a Late Summer Evening Show 28th August 2015. For summer trips please ring Les Robinson on 857063 to book seats or put your name on the waiting list as they are very popular.

Mothers and Toddlers on Friday afternoons from 1.30 to 3.20pm.

Card Makers Circle 2nd and 4th Fridays from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm meet in the summer meet in Wragby Methodist Chapel Schoolroom.


South Willingham Dance Group meets on Wednesday 7 th November and Wednesday 21 st November in South Willingham Parish Hall at 7pm  

South Willingham Coffee Mornings held in Parish Hall on Wednesday 7 th November and Wednesday 21 st November

Art Group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

Reel Issues film night breaks for the summer May to August back in September.

Coffee and Chat Parish Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 10.30am to 12noon.

History Group meets last Thursday of the month in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm.