This is Middle Rasen in Lincolnshire

Duck Race | Church Services | Local Events | Primary School
| What's On around Middle Rasen this month! | Village Hall Bookings | Church Hall Booking | Duck Race | Tractor Run | Other Regular Activities |
| Important Parish Notices | Get Help | Sports Equipment | Local Authority Charges | Middle Rasen Cemetery |
| ALL Services|Taxi | Bus and Train | School | Home Delivery | Post Office | Housing | Dental | Doctors |
| The Village Hall & Sportfield | Sports Equipment | Bowling | Duck Race | The Active Communities Programme | Cycling (U3A) | Walking |
| Youth Activities | Guiding Groups | Guides | Brownies | Rainbows | Primary School News | Toddler Group | Pram Service |
| Community Spirit Magazine | Middle Rasen Gala |Duck Race | West Rasen Heritage Centre | A Short History | Toft and Faldingworth |
| Woman's Institute | Horticulture | Book Group | Bowling | Clubs & Other Groups| Charitable Activity | Agencies that Help |
| Anglican C of E | Church Services | Holy Rood RC| Methodist | Salvation Army|New Life|Home Groups | Church Hall | Pram Service |
| | John Wilkinson Trust | Poor Lands & Meadows | Charities |

A website for the community of Middle Rasen in Lincolnshire


  Our local new band has now won 4 awards at the UK Songwriting Contest 2024, in the Teen and Unsigned band categories. Their song, ‘Between You & I', received a Special Mention Award, meaning they were amongst the final choices for best song from thousands and thousands of entries! We are delighted to attach a photo of Tom, Jack and Will with their certificates!

They will be playing at the Nags Head, Middle Rasen later in 2025. They have also been selected to take part in the Music for Youth Lincolnshire regional competition in March. Tom, Jack & Harry would really appreciate everyone's support!

Congratulations Boys, we're really proud of you! Julia

Advent Windows <<More>>

Middle Rasen Duck Race <<< more >>>

Pew Newsletter <<click here>>

REPORTS << recent group events >>

Groups in Middle Rasen

CLUB or Group Location
Art Group (oils) Catholic Hall
Bell Ringers Sts P&P's Church
Book Club Advocate Arms
Bowling Club Bowling Pavilion
Short Mat Bowls Group Village Hall
Carry on singing Curch Hall
Drama Group (U3A) Gail Denis
Cycling (U3A) Festival Hall
Coffee Cake & Chat Methodist Church
Guides Village Hall
Brownies Church Hall
Rainbows Village Hall
Ranger Guides Village Hall
Book Club Advocate Arms
Bell Ringers Sts P&P's Church
Horticultural Society Village/Church Hall
Local History Library
Line Dancing Church Hall
Active Seniors Gainb Leisure Centre
Age UK (Lindsey) Doctors Surgery
Middle Rasen Nursery Middle Rasen School
Parish Council Village Hall
Pilates Mk Rsn + New Toft
Rase Heritage Society Library
Rase WI Village Hall
Sewing and Hobbies Church Hall
Toddler Group Church Hall
Ukulele Band Mk Rsn
West Wolds U3A Festival Hall
Walking Mk Rasen
Women's Own Methodist Church
Yoga Village Hall
Updates Please for Groups below
Bee Keepers  
Boules Golf Club MR
Fitness - Personal Training Mk Rsn Leisure Ctr
Camera Club (U3A)

If your group is not listed and/or needs a correction elsewhere on this site please contact Gordon Jennings 0794 888 1121

The Middle Rasen Parish

Middle Rasen is situated in the district of West Lindsey in the county of Lincolnshire, about 16 miles north east of Lincoln and in the lea of the Lincolnshire Wolds. The village is mainly contained to the north of the A631.

Sitting astride the river Rase, the Parish is much the largest of the three Rasen's, covering 3622 acres. As the Middle settlement between East Rasen (now known as Market Rasen) and West Rasen, in the latter part of the Middle Ages it was the most important village of the three. Indeed much of the northern area of Market Rasen town is in the Parish of Middle Rasen.

A brief history ...... << more>>

The two mills ...... <<more>>

The Old Vicarage .... <<more>>

The past & future ....... << more >>

A local plan << Draft for Lincs >>


Broadbent Theatre <<more>>

Linclonshire LIVES << more >>

In Memory of <<more>>

Flooding <<more>>

Road Closures ......National and Local

Litter Picking <<more>>

Community Garden. <<more>>

Charitable Trusts<<more>>

Memory Cafe. <<more>>

Middle Rasen Community Fund

Struggling with the cost of living Increases?

Do you need a grant to help you through a difficult time?

This local Fund may be able to help you.

Confidentiality assured.

For further information email the clerk on

or call 07585 602 556

To be eligible you need to live in the parish of Middle Rasen

Activities 4 U

Local cycling and walking

Go Fishing or try Line Dancing

U3A ....

Active Groups .... << more >>

Help 4 U

Financial help <<more>>

Food Bank <<more>>

Sumaritans <<more>>

Lincolnshire (Police) Alert . << more >>

 Need help ~ alcohol / drugs / money or advice ?


Site Manager | Gordon Jennings ©2025